4 Things To Know About Vedic Astrology

4 Things To Know About Vedic Astrology

Even if you religiously check your daily horoscope and know your birth chart like the back of your hand, you could be missing something, and Vedic astrology could be that missing piece.

Read our blog and find out more about what it means. Also know how it can help you get a fuller picture of life, death, and everything in between!

1. Origins of Vedic astrology 

The word “Vedic” is derived from the Vedas meaning sacred knowledge.

As such, it is rooted in the ancient knowledge system of India. And believes in the power and influence of the stars and planets on human lives and actions.

In Hinduism, a key element of human life is spiritual growth. This growth is partly facilitated by karma, which explains that every thought and action has a corollary reaction.

The Vedas say that a person's karma is directly related to the position of the planets and their movements, and so astrology is the study of the connection between destiny and karma by observing these positions.

2. East vs. West

Like with all other things in life, there is a difference between how the East views the planetary impact and how it is done here in the West.

As far as astrology is concerned, the main difference lies in the perception of constellations.

From Earth’s perspective, the sun and planets move along the sky, against the backdrop of constellations or patterns of stars that compose the zodiacs, such as Taurus, Aries, Pisces, etc.

When a particular planet happens to move in front of a particular group of stars, it is said to be in the sign that the constellation of stars represents.

western astrology

Around 2,000 years ago, Eastern and Western astrology largely followed the same ecliptic line to create horoscopes and predict events.

As the Earth rotates upon its axis, it experiences a slight wobble, called precession, also warping its ecliptic plane.

The last 2,000 years have seen the progression of the ecliptic plane, and so the celestial sphere is no longer aligned with that of the previous era.

In Vedic astrology, precession is taken into account, thus horoscopes are calculated using the modified ecliptic path. It is opposed to Western astrology which still follows the old path that is more symbolic than astronomically accurate.

3. Planetary Affects

The Vedas hold that everything and everyone is under the control of time.

By its influence, people are drawn into different stages of life, as they progress toward death and rebirth, the conditions of which depend on their accumulated karma.

And throughout this journey over time and space, the planets act as referees, maintaining law and order.

daily horoscope

4. Free Will vs. Destiny

As per the Vedas, both free will and destiny determine our future and our course in life here on Earth.

Destiny refers to our numerous personal experiences in life, while free will is the way we choose to react to them.

How we act creates karma which determines the future events we are bound to encounter.

In other words, how we choose to react to our circumstances determines our future destiny.

These two are entwined in fulfilling the four goals of human life, as recognized by the Vedas which are dharma, artha, kama, and moksha; goals that make our lives meaningful.

Vedic astrology is often referred to as "Jyotish" or the "science of light" for good reason. Commonly regarded as the eye of the Vedas. It provides guidance and support to those who feel lost or confused in their life journeys.

Our learned pandits know this and have made it their dharma to spread this ancient knowledge that still holds.

If life has beaten you down or if you just need some peace, know that our doors and hearts are always open!

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