Dream Symbols: An Expert Guide From A Temple In Brampton

Dream Symbols: An Expert Guide From A Temple In Brampton

Some of our deepest, more secretive feelings, that we might not be aware of ourselves, we see in our dreams. Understanding what our dreams mean could help us take a deep dive into subconscious parts of ourselves. This blog will help you find out how you feel through dream symbolism from a temple in Brampton

Remembering One’s Dreams

The first step of a dream guide is to help you remember your dreams. You can only interpret the meanings of your dreams and your hidden feelings by vividly recalling emotions and events you experience in a dream. There are a few steps you can take towards remembering your dreams. The first step is to take vitamin B6 tablets since this vitamin increases your dream recall. You can also start dream journaling, by keeping a notebook beside your bed. Once you wake up from a restful slumber, you can simply quickly jot down details of your dreams before you forget them. 

A Comprehensive Dream Dictionary 

Now that you remember your dreams better, you need a dream dictionary to help you figure out what your dreams mean. You’ll be able to conduct a dream analysis easily without spending a lot of money on a psychoanalyst. Here is a list of dream symbolism, based on the most common dreams (and some uncommon ones) that you may have. 

1. Vehicles

A dream about vehicles usually means you are either driving around in your dream or someone is driving you around. Unfortunately, this is not your sign from the universe to splurge on the latest sports car. Dreaming about vehicles is a sign that you’re worried about how your life is going. 

2. Being Trapped

You may dream that you are stuck and can’t move like your legs are trapped in concrete. This seems like a nightmare, and it’s usually a symbol that something is holding you back and it makes you feel frustrated. 

3. Being Chased

Someone is right behind you. You just turned around the corner, but someone is catching up. Once again, a terrifying nightmare. This could be a sign that you’re suffering from anxiety, and your daily life feels pressurizing. In this case, use up your vacation days at work and take a well-deserved break. 

4. Death

Dreaming about death seems like an unpleasant nightmare, but its meaning isn’t so depressing. Dreaming about death could imply the need for a new beginning in your life, an end of an era if you will. Best to bring some new changes into your life if you are dreaming about death. 

5. Exams

Even if you have graduated from school years back, you can still dream about final exams.  Common dreams about exams are arriving at your classroom for a final exam, attending classes, or finishing final assignments. Dreams about exams and assignments are usually an indicator of you going through a stressful time or being plagued with self-doubt. 

6. Monsters

Monsters are certainly not pleasant to dream about, but they usually try to tell you something important. Similar to death dreams, monster dreams are a symbol of you needing a change in your life. 

7. Houses

Life is a lot like a house. A dream of buildings and houses usually are a symbol of your brain and its thought processes. Individual rooms in the house may signify memories and emotions. 

8. Money

Money dreams are not always a symbol of your financial state. On the contrary, they can often symbolize your self-worth and the value you put in yourself. 

9. Falling

If you are scared of heights and even if you aren’t, dreams about falling are pretty scary. Contrary to popular belief, dreams about falling aren’t linked to your fear of heights. Dreams about falling are often a symbol of you feeling out of control in a situation. 

10. Being Naked

Ah, we’ve all had this dream and it’s embarrassing, to say the least. Especially dreams where you’re participating in public speaking only to realize that you’re naked. Dreams of being naked usually mean that you have a fear of ridicule or embarrassment. 

11. Being Lost

You may have dreams of getting lost in the woods or some strange neighborhood, and you have no idea where to go. These kinds of dreams usually stem from a need for more confidence. They mean that you don’t have faith in yourself to accomplish things. 


We hope dream symbolism is no longer a mystery because of our dream guide. Pay close attention to this dream dictionary from a temple in Brampton. Ensure that you note down your dreams to conduct a mindful dream analysis.

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